
This Schedule Page includes our Google Calendar, available Semesters and list of dates for weekly classes, Sunday rehearsals and show dates.

Enrolled in the Spring Semester? You’ve received an email with a Show Info Google Doc & Visual Schedule. Bookmark them and let us know if you need us to email them again.

We have Two Semesters to create a Full School Year Experience.

You don’t need to take both semesters to get a lot out of this experience, but we love to become a theater home for our students to come back year after year, first as students, then as assistants, and coming back to visit as guest artists when they are professional performers!

Winter/Spring Semester begins with a 3 week trial the 1st 3 weeks of January, and the 2nd semester begins the 4th week of January.

No Summer Classes but you can register for our Fall Semester starting in mid June.

If taking a trial class, make sure to list the class you will be taking as a trial class, so we know what you’ll be trying.

Semester 1 Sept 27th through January (13 Weeks) + a Jan 26th Concert and/or January in-class Sharing Day.

Semester 2 Late January through May (12-13 Weeks) + Sunday Rehearsals March-May and May 24 & 25 Show

Semester 1: Acting Improv, Audition Monologues & Scenes, Songwriting, Playwriting, and Band Classes have an Informal Performance with no Sunday rehearsals required.

20% discounts available for additional classes per week.  5% discount for additional siblings.

Class Dates

Fall Semester Schedule 2024-25
Day Classes & Performances Month/Date
Tuesdays (13 Tues classes + Sharing Day Dec 10 or Dec 22 Concert + January 26, 5pm Concert) October 1, 8, 15, 22, 29. (No class Nov 5 - Election Day). Nov 12, 19, 26. Dec 3, 10 - Sharing Day, Dec 17. (+ December 22nd Concert) January 7, 14, 21. Sunday Concert January 26th 5pm.
Wednesdays (13 classes, + Reading and/or Performance) First week of Oct - January (dates to come)
Fridays (13 Fri classes + Sharing Day Dec 10 or December 22nd Concert + January 26th, 3pm Concert) September 27, (no school October 4), 11, 18, 25. (no school Nov 1), 8, 15, 22, (no class Nov 29 - Thanksgiving), Dec 6, 13, 20. Jan 3, 10, 17, 24. Sunday Concert January 26th 3pm.
Mondays (13 classes, sharing day performance) First week of Oct - January (dates to come)
Thursdays (13 classes, in class Sharing Day Performance) First week of Oct - January (dates to come)
Winter-Spring Semester Schedule 2025
Day Classes, Rehearsals, Shows Month/Date
Tuesdays (13 Tues classes, + Sunday rehearsals*, May 17-18 Show Weekend) Jan 28, Feb 4, 11, (no class Feb 18), Feb 25, March 4, 11, 18, 25, April 1, 8, (no class April 15), April 22, 29, May 6, 13. Tech May 17. Show May 17 & 18.
13 Fridays (13 Fri classes, + Sunday rehearsals*, May 17-18 Show Weekend) January 31. February 7, 14, (no class 21), 28 March 7, 14, 21, 28 April 4, 11, (no class April 18), 25 May 2, 9, May 16 Tech Rehearsal for GP1+GP2 - 6:30-10pm
Private Lessons – Thursdays As scheduled. TBA

Sunday Rehearsal Dates 2025

GP1 & GP2 

Fri Classes = Red Cast, Sundays – 2pm-3:30

Tues Classes = Blue Cast, Sundays – 3:30-5pm

 (RS joins 1hr April 6, 27, May 4, 12)

March 2, 9, 16, 23 (no March 30),

April 6, (No April 13, 20), 27,

Rising Stars 

RS Rehearsal Dates: April 7 + 14 (Time: 1-2pm) + attend April 28 and May 5 Dress Rehearsals (we’ll give you exact times)

Mandatory Rehearsals

Sunday Run-through & Dress rehearsal longer hours:

Red Cast 1-3:30pm (RS join at 2pm); Blue Cast 3:30-6pm (RS join at 4:30pm)

May 4 – Dress Rehearsal

May 11 – Dress Rehearsal & Happy Mother’s Day)

Tech/Dress Rehearsal Hours *(Do not miss this rehearsal!)

May 16th – Red Cast – Tech Rehearsal Friday 6:00-10pm (we rehearse until we are done) – Check WhatsApp for updates.

May 17th  – Blue Cast – Tech Rehearsal Saturday 11:30-2:30pm

Show Dates – May 17 & 18, 2025

(We suggest you block off the full days.) 

Red Cast (Friday Class) Saturday May 17th at 4:30pm, Sunday May 18th at 2pm

Blue Cast (Tuesday Class) Saturday May 17th at 7:30pm, Sunday May 18th at 5pm

Rising Stars Actors – arrive 1 hour prior to show time.

GP1 & GP2 actors – arrive 30 minutes prior to show time.

Arrive wearing costume items, make-up, and with your hair done. We will have helpers, but the more prepared you are before your come, the better!

(All actors perform in 2 shows: 1 show on Saturday & 1 show on Sunday.)

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