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November News – Auditions, Concerts, & More!

We have so many upcoming extra concerts and exciting opportunities…

September News

HAVE A CREATIVE SCHOOL YEARGarden Players musical theater for kids…

July News

What creative projects, family fun, and adventures are you having…

Epic Reunion Concert June 23

Celebrating 20 Years of Garden Players Led by Betina: An…

Behind The Scenes

Behind the Scenes of Creature Mountain and the Slime Corporation…

Performance Skills

Playwriting Class – Writing A Musical

What's It Like To Write A Musical? Want an inside…

10 tips to-boost creativity for kids 8-16

10 Ways to Boost Your Creativity in the New Year…

Auditioning For Vocal and Drama High Schools in NYC

Auditioning for Performing Arts High Schools in NYC has always…

Holiday & Family Acting Fun

November News – Auditions, Concerts, & More!

We have so many upcoming extra concerts and exciting opportunities…

Holiday Sing-Along For Kids and Families

We miss seeing everyone for in-person concerts but we love…

Welcome to our latest news. Find our recent blogs about news, performance skills, and fun. We will share quick links to upcoming show tickets, registration for classes, and more. Join our mailing list to never miss what’s happening with shows, classes, and theater tips. Follow our Instagram and Facebook pages.

Thank you for acting, connecting, creating music and theater, and for being a part of the Garden Players family!

* Join our mailing list so you know when classes, shows, videos, and new performer tips are available.

Fall classes begin late September. Registration will be available in June.

* Putting on a show is a full community endeavor! Support us!

* What does a typical year of musical theater look like? Find out more.